Wat a day??? I'm so goD-daMn shAg n tirEd. I wan to SLeeP!!! I nEEd my bEautY slEeP!!! I wAnT a ShoUlDer i LeaN on!!! GonNA burst any moMent, i GuesS! Arghh~ i'm goD daMn sTreSs! WTH! toDay 7 recieve with 21k. I neEd another 20K tmr to hit my tier this week!!! How m i going to find this 20K???? Argh~ n tmr got no amt coming in, so just to pray hard that tmr sales calls will be good.! Sigh~ yesterday he act. msg me thru' msn telling me that he didn't change his no. n ask me nt to get misunderstood. did he really read my blog??? Well~ so wat if he does n doesn't. Somehow, i dunch feel so bother by it. At 1st i really hope he will read it n understands how impt he is to me. But now, i just have this mix feelings. Sigh~ perhaps if he is single now the feelings for him will be stronger. Bur since now he is attached, so i just got to force myself to forget abt this guy. Sigh~ is he really that bad like wat others say??? this ques still remains. Becas, he isn't wat others had said from wat i noe of him. Pehaps he really did is a jerk in the past, n changed when i was with him. But now, i not so sure, maybe it's the cause of my bad experience i have been experiencing. Sigh~ LoVe LoVe LoVe~
yourstruly crapped @ Friday, June 18, 2004